Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

ALUCOBOND, Aluminium Composite TERSUKSES , Harga Bersaing di Kelas'nya

ALUCOBOND telah menjadi pemimpin pasar dalam aluminium composite panel di seluruh dunia sejak tahun 1969. ALUCOBOND memiliki produk yang sangat baik seperti kerataan luar biasa, berbagai macam warna dan bisa dibentuk dengan sempurna. Bahan yang fleksibel untuk desain arsitektur. ALUCOBOND sangat tahan cuaca, tahan pecah, peredam getaran, pastinya instalasi lebih mudah dan cepat.

Sebagai bahan komposit yang ringan, yang terdiri dari dua lembar pembungkus aluminium dan inti plastik serbaguna, produk ALUCOBOND  sangat disukai selain oleh arsitektur, seperti desain pada perusahaan sebagai pelapis gedung saja agar terlihat indah dan menarik yang sangat cocok dikombinasikan dengan branding neon box / jenis signboard lainnya , Alucobond secara luas digunakan dalam industri dan transportasi.

Sejumlah penghargaan internasional telah diberikan untuk produk yang sukses ini. Dengan lebih dari 130 juta sq.m dari ALUCOBOND telah terjual, yang membuktikan bahwa ALUCOBOND menjadi salah satu bahan yang paling sukses di seluruh dunia.

Alucobond, World of Colours
{Outstanding quality colours and surface}

Your Favourites
"These are your most favourite colours. You have been choosing them over and over again. And millions of square metres installed are meeting millions of people each day. 

One can not go wrong with this selection of solid and metalic colours. Select solid ones to achieve a tuned down, uniform effect. Or play with different appearance of metalic colours and gloss under various light conditions and viewing angles.
Both schemes are proven. Both are foundation and starting point of the colours scheme you are contemplating for your building."

Metallic Colours 
{ Dark Grey Metallic 505, Smoke Silver Metallic 501, Silver Metallic 500, Champagne Metallic 503, Grey Metallic 502, Grey Blue Metallic 603, Sunrise Silver Metallic 600, Brilliant Metallic 602, Bronze Metallic 504,  Classic Metallic 9604, Daytona Gold 8703, Gold Metallic 601, Nevada Copper 8705, Copper Metallic 8704, Jade Green Metallic 9329, Seafoam Green Metallic 604}

Solid Colours
{ Black 326, Anthrazit Grey 105, Fashion Grey 460, Light Grey 104, Beige 103, Cream 102, Pure White 10. 100, White 16.101 }

"These colours are rarely used to clad an entire building. But why not use them to play, accentuate and craete distinction? Whether it is during Lemon, a flashy Red or Intense Blue, use these colours and effect to create unique appearance, moods and reactions of the users or bypassers. Create the Difference."

Vibrant Colours
{ Ruby 8202, Orange 8210, Emerald Green 691, Red 8201, Lemon 8200, Lime 8313, Navy Blue 9336, Intense Blue 3191}

General Information
The fluorocarbon (PVDF) coating is applied to the aluminium coil prior to lamination into ALUCOBOND, using a continuous coil coating process. The multiple layers are individually cured at temperatures of between 200 - 260C. The quality of the coating is tested according to standards established by E.C.C.A ( European Coil Coating Association) of which  3A Composites is a member. Fluorocarbon (PVDF) coating systems combine good formability and excellent surface durability. They are extremely resistant against weathering, strong solar radiation and pollution attact. The colour reproduction in this chart is subject to printing limitation. For exact colour matching, request for actual colour samples.
The standard gloss fo colours is between 30% - 40% according to Gardner Scale.

Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Analisis Perbandingan Investasi Apartemen, Hotel, dan Condotel

Sebelum melakukan investasi sebaiknya kita melakukan Analisa Perbandingan Investasi Apartemen, Hotel dan Condotel. Kondotel sebagai produk investasi properti menawarkan model kepemilikan unit kondominium dengan keuntungan dari nilai sewa unit yang secara rutin didapat secara berlipat. Ketimbang produk lain, hasil (yield) minimal yang didapat investor dari kondotel rata-rata 9 persen per tahun. Tidak hanya itu, hal lain yang menarik minat beli investor terhadap produk tersebut ialah pengembalian nilai keuntungan yang lebih cepat ketimbang deposito perbankan.
Mengatakan model investasi kondotel lebih menarik ketimbang rumah tinggal yang disewakan. Investasi rumah tinggal yang disewakan, kata dia, hanya menitikberatkan pada keuntungan modal (capital gain) dari kenaikan harga jual rumah, yang jika disewakan hanya tumbuh 3 sampai 4 persen per tahun. Adapun kondotel menawarkan nilai sewa 8 hingga 12 persen dari nilai investasi per tahun selama masa jaminan sewa/guarantee rental yang beragam rata-rata mencapai dua sampai lima tahun. Analisa Perbandingan Investasi Apartemen, Hotel dan Condotel. Potensi investasi kondotel memang lebih menjanjikan.
Saat ini makin banyak pengembang mengerjakan proyek-proyek condotel. Dan uniknya, di Indonesia dari awal condotel sudah ditawarkan sebagai sarana investasi. Beberapa properti bahkan sudah menggandeng jaringan hotel saat penawaran awal .
Berinvestasi di condotel pada dasarnya sama saja dengan investasi di apartment atau condominium biasa. sebaiknya dengan orientasi investasi menengah ke panjang. Berbeda dengan rumah biasa investasi ini sedikit berbeda pada status kepemilikan, biasanya berupa strata tittle . Jadi ada sedikit perbedaan pada aspek legalnya.
Sebagai pemilik unit Anda berhak mendapatkan uang sewa unit dari pengelola, besarnya tergantung perjanjian Anda dengan pengembang. Pembagian uang sewa ini sangat beragam, ada yang bagi hasil murni, ada juga yang digabungkan dengan minimum return guarantee. Perhatikan dengan baik skema yang ditawarkan untuk dapat memperkirakan tingkat pengembaliannya (return).
Bangunan dan Fasilitas : Kualitas bangunan lebih bagus dan mewah karena akan dioperasikan sebagai hotel, lengkap dengan fasilitas berstandard internasional.
Biaya Settlement : Tidak perlu dana tambahan karena sudah termasuk furniture dan elektronik lengkap sesuai standard Harris Hotel.
Biaya Bulanan : Bebas biaya maintenance, listrik, air, dll.
Sewa : Tidak perlu repot mencari dan berurusan langsung dengan penyewa.
ROI : Meskipun tidak ada penyewa, tetap mendapatkan hasil.
Dikelola oleh Manajemen Harris Hotel yang telah terbukti sukses mengelola banyak hotel, baik di luar negeri maupun di Indonesia. Serta meraih banyak penghargaan sebagai pengelola terbaik untuk jaminan keuntungan investasi Anda.
Jaminan ROI 16%* untuk 2 tahun pertama
Nilai Jual Kembali : Nilai jual kembali sangat tinggi, karena perawatan unit dan lingkungan dilakukan oleh Manajemen Hotel yang profesional.
Dikelola oleh manajemen pengelola yang tidak memiliki standard baku dan bersifat lokal saja. Akibatnya seringkali tidak ada kepastian keuntungan investasi Anda. Tidak ada jaminan ROI yang pasti. Belum tentu menguntungkan, tergantung dari kualitas bangunan oleh developer dan perawatan yang dilakukan oleh investor sendiri. Sumber :

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Penetapan Hari Jadi Jakarta

Penetapan hari jadi Jakarta adalah istilah yang merujuk kepada penetapan yang dikeluarkan oleh Sudiro, Walikota Jakarta periode 1953-1958.
Pada masa kolonial, Belanda memperingati hari jadi Kota Batavia tiap akhir Mei dengan dasar bahwa pada akhir Mei 1619, Gubernur Jenderal Jan Pieterszoon Coen menaklukkan Jayakarta. Pada tahun 1869, untuk memperingati 250 tahun usia Batavia, dibangun pula monument J. P. Coen – saat ini halaman Departemen Keuangan, Jalan Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta Pusat. Di atas fondasi beton yang kokoh, berdiri Coen yang dengan angkuhnya menunjuk kearah bawah – menggambarkan dia berhasil menaklukkan Jayakarta. Patung yang menjadi simbol dimulainya penjajahan Belanda itu dihancurkan pada masa pendudukan Jepang (1941-1945). Sudiro, menyadari perlunya peringatan ulang tahun untuk kota ini yang berbeda dengan peringatan berdirinya Batavia. Maka, ia pun memanggil sejumlah ahli sejarah, seperti Mr. Mohamad Yamin dan Mr. Dr. Sukanto serta wartawan senior Sudarjo Tjokrosiswoyo untuk meneliti kapan Jakarta didirikan oleh Fatahillah. Kala itu, Sudiro berkeyakinan bahwa tahunnya adalah pasti, yaitu 1527. yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah hari, tanggal, dan bulan lahirnya Kota Jakarta.  Mr. Dr. Sukanto menyerahkan naskah berjudul Dari Jayakarta ke Jakarta. Dia menduga bahwa 22 Juni 1527 adalah hari yang paling dekat pada kenyataan dibangunnya Kota Jayakarta oleh Fatahillah. Naskah tersebut kemudian diserahkan oleh Sudiro kepada Dewan Perwakilan Kota Sementara untuk dibahas, yang kemudian langsung bersidang dan menetapkan bahwa 22 Juni 1527 sebagai berdirinya Kota Jakarta. Tepat pada 22 Juni 1956, Sudiro mengajukannya dengan resmi pada sidang pleno dan usulnya itu diterima dengan suara bulat. Selanjutnya, sejak saat itu, tiap 22 Juni diadakan sidang istimewa DPRD Kota Jakarta sebagai tradisi memperingati berdirinya Kota Jakarta. Ada juga pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa dipilihnya 22 Juni 1527 karena saat itu merupakan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW. Setelah berhasil mengusir Portugis dari Sunda Kalapa, Fatahillah sebagai panglima Kesultanan Demak mengubah Sunda Kelapa menjadi Jayakarta. Menurut sejarawan Adolf Heyken SJ, hari jadi Jakarta hanyalah sebuah dongeng. Karena, katanya, tak ada dokumen yang menyebutkan nama Jayakarta. Bahkan 50 tahun sesudahnya (saat VOC berkuasa), tetap disebut Sunda Kelapa. Fatahillah adalah orang Arab. Jelaslah tidak mungkin apabila orang Arab memberi nama sesuatu dengan bahasa Sanskerta. Jayakarta adalah nama dari bahasa Sanskerta. Jadi, itu semua dongeng supaya Jakarta memiliki hari ulang tahun.

Mengucapkan :
Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun Jakarta
Ke - 486  
( 22 Juni 2013   ) 

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Alucobond Signboard Advertising in Bandung City

A billboard (sometimes also called a hoarding in the UK and many other parts of the world) is a large outdoor advertising structure (a billing board), typically found in high traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing pedestrians and drivers. Typically showing large, ostensibly witty slogans, and distinctive visuals, billboards are highly visible in the top designated market areas. Bulletins are the largest, most impactful standard-size billboards. Located primarily on major highways, expressways or principal arterials, they command high-density consumer exposure (mostly to vehicular traffic). Bulletins afford greatest visibility due not only to their size, but because they allow creative "customizing" through extensions and embellishments. Posters are the other common form of billboard advertising, located chiefly in commercial and industrial areas on primary and secondary arterial roads. Posters are a smaller format than bulletins and are viewed principally by residents and commuter traffic, with some pedestrian exposure.

Painted Billboard.
Almost all these billboards were painted in large studios. The image was projected on the series of paper panels that made up the billboard. Line drawings were done, then traced with a pounce wheel that created perforated lines. The patterns were then "pounced" onto the board with a chalk filled pounce bag, marking the outlines of the figures or objects. Then, using oil paints, the artists would actually use large brushes to paint the image. Once the panels were installed using large hydraulic booms on trucks, the artists would go up on the installed billboard and touch up the edges between the panels. These large, painted billboards were especially popular in Los Angeles where historic firms such as Foster & Kleiser and Pacific Outdoor Advertising dominated the industry. Eventually, these painted billboards gave way to graphic reproduction, but hand-painted billboards are still in use in some areas where only a single board or two is required. The "Sunset Strip" in Los Angeles is one area where hand-painted billboards can still be found, usually to advertise upcoming films or albums in the heart of the entertainment industry.

Advertising Style.
Billboard advertisements are designed to catch a person's attention and create a memorable impression very quickly, leaving the reader thinking about the advertisement after they have driven past it. They have to be readable in a very short time because they are usually read while being passed at high speeds. Thus there are usually only a few words, in large print, and a humorous or arresting image in brilliant color. Some billboard designs spill outside the actual space given to them by the billboard, with parts of figures hanging off the billboard edges or jutting out of the billboard in three dimensions. An example in the United States around the turn of the 21st century were the billboards (a chicken sandwich fast food chain), which had three-dimensional cow figures in the act of painting the billboards with misspelled anti-beef slogans such as "frendz don't let frendz eat beef." George Stonbely created the famous Time Square billboards. Including one on one times square. The first "scented billboard," an outdoor sign emitting the odors of black pepper and charcoal to suggest a grilled steak, was erected on NC 150 near Mooresville, North Carolina by the Bloom grocery chain. The sign depicted a giant cube of beef being pierced by a large fork that extended to the ground. The scents were emitted between 7–10 a.m. and 4– to 7 pm from 28 May 2010 through 18 June 2010.

Digital Billboards.
A digital billboard is a billboard that is created from computer programs and software. Digital billboards can be designed to display running text, display several different displays from the same company, and even exist to provide several companies a certain slot of time during the day. Because of the versatility and increased potential revenue for these signs, they are likely to become the standard for the future. Some companies that create the intelligence behind digital billboards are Four Winds Interactive, Scala and Helius.

Mobile Billboards.
Outdoor Advertising, such as a Mobile Billboard, is effective because it’s hard to ignore. According to a UK national survey, it’s also memorable. Capitol Communications Group found that 81.7 percent of those polled recalled images they saw on a moving multi-image sign. This is compared to a 19 percent retention rate for static signs. Unlike a typical billboard, mobile billboards are able to go directly to their target audience. They can be placed wherever there is heavy foot traffic due to an event – including convention centers, train stations, airports and sports arenas. They can repeat routes, ensuring that an advertiser’s message is not only noticed, but that information is retained through repetition.

Infitable Billboards.
An inflatable billboard is an inflatable framework with an attached banner ad. Most of them famously appear near sports events or exhibitions. Inflatable billboards can be installed nearly everywhere standing free. They are secured with counter weights and tensioning ropes.

Multi-Purpose Billboards.
Some billboards are not used only for advertising ends; they can be multi-purpose, meaning that they can have more than one function. So, an advertising sign can integrate its main purpose with telecommunications antenna and/or public lighting support. Usually the structure has a steel pole with a coupling flange on the above-fitted advertising billboard structure that can contain telecommunications antennas. The lighting power supply cables and any possible antennas are placed inside of the structure and fastened on appropriate steel wires.

Other Types of Billboards.
Other types of billboards include the billboard bicycle, which is a billboard attached to the back of a bicycle or the largest mobile billboard, a special advertising trailer to hoist big banners. Mechanical billboards are billboards that display three different billboards at different times, because the three advertisements are attached to a conveyor that rolls around inside the billboard. There is also such thing as a three-dimensional billboard, such as the ones at Piccadilly Circus, London, although this type of billboard is arguably mistaken for a simple advertising sign.

Highway.Many signs advertise local restaurants and shops in the coming miles, and are crucial to drawing business in small towns. One example is wall drug, which in 1931 erected billboards advertising "free ice water" and the town of Wall, South Dakota was essentially built around the 20,000 customers per day those billboards brought in (as of 1981). Some signs were placed at great distances, with slogans such as "only 827 miles to Wall Drug, with FREE ice water." In some areas the signs were so dense that one almost immediately followed the last. This situation changed after the Highway Beautification Act was passed; the proliferation of Wall Drug billboards is sometimes cited as one of the reasons the bill was passed. After the passage of the act, other states (such as Oregon) embarked on highway beautification efforts.

Non-Commercial Use.
Not all billboards are used for advertising products and service- non profit group and government agencies use them to communicate with the public. In 1999 an anonymous person created the God Speaks billboard campaign in Florida "to get people thinking about God", with witty statements signed by God. "Don't make me come down there", "We need to talk" and "Tell the children that I love them" were parts of the campaign, which was picked up by the  Outdoor Advertising Association of America and continues today on billboards across the country. South of Olympia, Washington is the privately owned Uncle Sam billboard. It features conservative, sometimes inflammatory messages, changed on a regular basis. Chehalis farmer Al Hamilton first started the board during the Johnson era, when the government was trying to make him remove his billboards along Interstate 5. He had erected the signs after he lost a legal battle to prevent the building of the freeway across his land. Numerous legal and illegal attempts to remove the Uncle Sam billboard have failed, and it is now in its third location.One message, attacking a nearby liberal arts college, was photographed, made into a postcard and is sold in the College Bookstore.